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Lowest-Energy γ- & x-ray Spectrometer

with small highest resolution, planar HPGe & SiLi detectors in low-background mounting, special lead & Cu shields as well as Rn-suppression.

Application for nuclear sample mesurements

  • Ultra low-energy in vitro γ-spectrometers (ULE) are designed for the direct assessment of low energy gamma- & x-ray sources.

  • The concept and performance of our ULE spectrometers are designed for lowest limit of detection in the low energy region.

  • The systems offers a way to estimate isotopics for cases in which the element is almost entirely composed of two isotopes, using Isotopic software packages for uranium and Plutonium.

In radiation protection for national & international institudes and industry

  • Industry- and nuclear technology

  • Civil defense, emergency response, border, safety, security and access control

  • Dismantling, consinulting, waste management

  • In Universities, research centers, nuclear medicine

  • Environmental, health and food surveillance and laboratories

System description

High-Resolution Low-Energy HPGe γ-Detectors

  • Small planar crystals, Diameter: e.g. 500 mm2;  Thickness: 1.5, 2, 3 cm

  • Small coaxial crystals, Diameter: 5, 7, 8 cm;  Thickness: 1.5, 2, 3 cm

  • SiLi detectors

  • (Ultra) low-background (ULB or LB) version

  • Be or carbon windows


Sample Geometry

  • For planar or semi-coaxial crystals, Optimal for point & filter sources & Petrie shells


Spectrometry Electronics, Hardware and Software

  • State-of-the-Art digital spectrometry electronic

  • High performance data acquisition system

  • Latest analysis software solutions


LB or ULB Sandwich Shielding Design

  • Excellent passive sandwich lead/Cu shield for photon absorptions     

  • Rn suppression technique

High resolution planar HPGe detector: <350 eV at 60 keV 

Sample detection

Uranium sample measurement using a small high-resolution planar HPGe detector

with VRF (Visual Robot Fit) for spectra analysis.  ​



As an example of minimum detectable activity (MDA), the CTBTO laboratory criterion of 24 mBq Ba-140 (in 7 days measuring time) will be achieved with our design of ULB gamma -spectrometer systems installed on ground level laboratories in approximate 1.5 days (black line and dots).

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