Activation products
Special isotopes
Fission Products
Nuclide boxes inclusive decay & production
Dose: emitted energies per decay mode
Nucler Medicine
New application-related structur
Therapy: Alpha & Beta Emitters
Diagnostic: SPECT, In-vivo/-vitro
PET: Positron Emitters
Bone seeking, Boby composition
Dose: emitted energies per decay mode
U/Th (n,2n) & (n,γ) activation process
Pu/Am/Np/U/Th/Pa - production
All four Plutonium & Neptunium decay series
Nuclide boxes inclusive decay & production
Calibration Radioisotopes
Suitability of isotopes for calibra-tion using HPGe detectors
Standard & multiphoton sources
Low & high energy isotopes
Natural intrinsic check sources
Neutron sources as Cf & Am
Nuclide boxes inclusive decay & production
Spectrometry Source-Detection Effects
SE/DE/XE: single/double/x-ray escape
CS/RS: coincidence/random summing
Line broadening (Li-7)
Asymmetric peaks: Ge lattice recoil
Air filter samples: Pb-212 x-ray triplets
All decay series
Isotopics: Uranium ratios
Cosmogenic, complementary nuclides
Nuclide boxes inclusive decay & production
Particle Induced Radiation
Shielding, detector/mounting material
Muon induced radiation
Neutron scattering & capture
Activation isotopes
Fluorescence in shielding materials
Week Interaction Decay
From Ar-36 to Pt-198
Double beta decay
Double EC decay
Majorana mass
Decay details
Handbook description
Particular emphasis is placed on the methodical combination of the normative fundament of isotope decay-scheme with the decay structures in a new developed list-mode by the author, including:
half-life, q-values, references, uncertainties
Alpha-, Beta(-/+)-, EC-, IT-, sf-branches, energies & emission-probabilities as well for photons & x-rays
energy-lists in intensity order with gray highlighted fields for energy interference for alpha’s
cascade decays (level-population), crossover transitions, summing & escape energies as well coincidence & random summing,
but also a lot of additional information to the properties of isotopes as abundance, natural activity, activation, isotope production, etc. from the latest available nuclear data bases. The Handbook provides not only in-depth knowledge on decay information but also for the wide-field of n-interaction/activation occurring on nuclear power plants, on air components, on selected light isotopes as well as on cosmic induced radiation and observable photons produced in commonly used shielding, mounting and detector materials for lowest-background application. Isotopes helpful for indication or evidence of activation as Ag-106, Rh-102 and fission as I-130 are displayed.
Main Updates 2023/24
Extended and Revision
Nuclear Medicine => New actuell structur for therapy and diagnostic (July 2024)
Alpha-Emitter, targeted alpha, theranostic targeted alpha (+SPECT)
Beta-Emitter, targeted beta, theranostic beta (+SPECT)
Theranostic pair and liver
Brachytherapy and Radiosynovectomy
Targeted Auger therapy and theranostic targeted Auger therapy (+SPECT)
In-vivo and in-vitro
PET, Bone seeking and body composition, Iodine's
Extention of energy/isotope lists to ~4800 entries from all radioisotopes from the "Radionuclide Handbook" (~350 isotopes), inclusive SE, DE, XE, RS & CS effects, radioisotope production and additional information, has been prepared into the separate "Energy/Isotope Tabels".
We have adapted the chapter "Nuclear Medicine" to the new current application-related structure. This affects the areas Alpha/Beta-Therapy, Targated and Theranostic-Therapy, Brachytherapy and Radiosynovectomy, Auger-Electrons but also Diagnostic (SPECT, in-vivo/vitro), PET, Body and Iodine's.
Selected Radioisotopes such as I-130 (blocked fission product), produced only direct through fissison therefore used for spallation evidence for nuclear forensics, we have designated.
For the direct detection of beta radiation selected standard calibration isotopes such as Beta- & CE emitter are now implemented on a separate page.
The stable or extremely long-lived isotopes decaying only via two beta's or two EC - we have completed in a new subsection.
In general, the latest available data are updated until July 2024 - selected from NNDC(NDS), BIPM(LNHB/LNE), IAEA and NP for each radioisotope.
Table of Contents
1. Quick Info
2. Introduction
2.1 Notes
2.2 Description
2.3 Additional Symboles
3. Natural Radioisotopes & Neptunium
3.1 Decay Chains of Natural & Neptunium Isotopes
3.1.1 U-238 Decay and Daughters (Radium Series)
3.1.2 Th-232 Decay and Daughters (Thorium Series)
3.1.3 U-235 Decay and Daughters (Actinium Series)
3.1.4 Np-237 Decay and Daughters (Neptunium Series)
3.2 Decay Details of Natural & Neptunium Isotopes
3.2.1 U-238 Decay and their Daughters
3.2.2 Th-232 Decay and their Daughters
3.2.3 U-235 Decay and their Daughters
3.2.4 Np-237 Decay and their Daughters
3.2.5 Radiological Data and Isotopics of Uranium
3.2.6 Complementary Primordial Radioisotopes
3.2.7 Cosmogenic Produced Radioisotopes
3.2.8 X-Rays from Natural Families
4. Actinides & Transuranics
4.1 General View of Cf & Pu Production and Decay
4.1.1 Cf-249/Pu-241 Series to Np-237 Chain
4.1.2 Cf-250/Pu-242 Series to U-238 Chain
4.1.3 Cf-251/Pu-249 Series to U-235 Chain
4.1.4 Cf-252/Pu-244 Series to Th-232 Chain
4.2 Decay Details of Actinites & Transuranics
4.2.1 Th-233 & Th-235 Decay and Production
4.2.2 Cf & Cm Decays to Plutonium Isotopes
4.2.3 Pu- Isotope Decays to their Daughters
5. Anthropogenic Radioisotopes
5.1 Industry, Energy, Research
5.1.1 Activation Products
5.1.2 Fission Isotopes
5.2 Nuclear Medicine
5.2.1 Therapy (Beta Emitter & Targeted Alpha )
5.2.2 Diagnostic
In Vivo
In Vitro
5.2.3 PET (Positron Emitter)
5.2.4 Bone Seeking Radioisotopes
5.2.5 Body Composition Radionuclides
5.3 Iodines, Te & Xe
5.4 Doubble Beta & EC Decay
6. Standard Calibration Radionuclides
6.1 Isotopes usable without Coincidence Correction
6.2 Isotopes requiring Coincidence Correction
6.3 Multi-Phootn Standard Isotopes
6.4 Low- & High Energy Gamma Ray Standards
6.5 Natural Occuring Isotopes
6.6 Cf-252 and Am-241 Neutron Sources
6.7 Special Reference Sources
6.8 Ge & SI X-ray Energies
6.9 Beta and CE Calibration Standard & Test Sources
7. Partical Induced Radiation
7.1 Low Background Application
7.1.1 Neutron Scattering
7.1.2 Neutron Capture
7.1.3 Nuclide Activation in Ge, Cu & Fe
7.1.4 Fluorescence Excitation in Shielding Materials
7.2 Ge & Si X-ray Energies
7.3 Neutron Capture of Light Isotopes
7.4 Photon-Energies in Energy-Order of Particle Induced Isotopes
8. List of Isotopes and Materials
8.1 Properties of Isotopes
8.2 Properties of Detector & Mounting Materials
A.1 Examples for Coincidence Decays
B.1 Comments to Data Evaluation and Gamma-Ray Emission Probability
C.1-C.4 Alpha Energy Lists in Energy Order
Nuclide and Isotope Index