We have more than 25 years of experience in the field of development, production and application of nuclear measurement instruments, software and systems as well as in discussions with authorities and consultants. Especially in all kinds of nuclear spectrometry we benefit of a very rich pool of knowledge and experience.
Our portfolio in services
High resolution spectroscopy systems for alpha, beta, gamma and neutron spectrometry
Integral measurement systems for alpha, beta, gamma and neutron counting
Measurement systems for contamination or for free release of staff and material
Dose rate measurement and dosimetry
For National and international organizations and companies in
Industry- and nuclear technology
Dismantling, consulting, waste management
Environmental, health and food surveillance and laboratories
Civil defense, emergency response, border, safety, security and access control
Universities, research centers, nuclear medicine
Education and Training
Training on hard- and software of nuclear spectrometry both in application and theory Organization of training courses and workshops
Both convention hotels or at customer site
Dependant on number of participants and existing infra structure
Training courses on these subjects
Fundamentals of alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation
Detection of nuclear radiation (Interaction processes, suitable detectors, electronics and analysis software, measurement techniques, functional principles of measurement systems and their application)
Analysis of spectra (Software, peak search, peak analysis, analysis parameters, calibration, nuclide libraries, correction function and algorithms, limit of detection and identification (e.g. ISO11929)
Analysis software of well-known companies as Canberra, ITech, Ortec (operation, data analysis, options, comparison)
Current subjects and trends in nuclear spectrometry and integral measurement methods e.g. ISO11929 (Application and implementation, possible sources of errors, insitu measurements, Monte-Carlo methods in calibration of nuclear spectrometers, incorporation and contamination measurements)
Hardware (failure diagnosis, troubleshooting, functional tests)
Don't hesitate to ask for your individual training programs!
Operation, Service & Maintenance
Operation, service, maintenance, periodic testing of running systems
Support for the operation of existing measurement instruments and systems of well-known producers at customer site
System operation (sampling, preparation, measurement, analysis)
Laboratory systems, insitu systems, whole body counters, free release and waste measurement systems
During staffing shortages, measurement campaigns or outages
Validation of measurement results
Calibration of measurement systems and instruments of most known producers
Quality assurance
System diagnosis, Maintenance and functional testing
Performance of periodic testing
Repairs, troubleshooting
Troubleshooting (via phone or on site), functional testing
Installation and dismounting of components (Installation of replacement components when indicated)
Repair quotation, proposal, concept
Repair on site (if possible and appropriate)
Repair in house by our specialists or in cooperation with partners respectively manufacturers
Repair at manufacturing site (when too complex)
Various spare or lean modules are disposable to bypass longer outage times to allow further operation during repair. Numerous components and replacement parts are in stock.
Development & Conceptual Design
Development and conceptual design of measurement systems
System analysis, guidelines
Projection planning
System development specification
Project engineering and concept elaboration
Project consulting
Preparation of project documents (profile of functional, target and contract requirements, specification sheet)
Project & Feasibility Studies
Rreparation of studies, market research, feasibility studies, expertise
Market analysis
System analysis
System developments requirements
Preparation of advices of amendment or reports to permitting authorities
Specialist counseling and discussion with surveyors and permitting authorities
Measurement Instruments & Systems
Delivery of measurement equipment and turnkey systems using partial components, instruments and products of well-known manufacturers
Projection (Preparation of basic concept, technical documents, time schedule, alignment with legal requirements as EMC, KTA, IEC etc.)
Design concept (system planning, component listings, flow diagrams, part lists, approval planning)
Preparation of project documents (profile of functional, target and contract requirements, specification sheet, system description)
Preparation of procurement documents
Definition of design & development specifications
Project management (project planning, request for quotation, placing of orders)
Preparation of project documentation (pre- and inspection documents, operational and maintenance manuals, test procedures)
Project driven software development
Incoming and pre-inspection of components and partial components
Factory and on site integration, mounting and inspection
Instruction and training for users and administrators
Essential meetings and technical clarifications with suppliers and surveyors
Documentation inspection (incl. quality assurance) and approval
Quality measures (e.g. operation tests, periodic testing)
Software Development
Development of special software, tools and programs
Development and support of special software and tools for new and existing systems of most known manufacturers
Development of special software and tools for body counters, drum measurement systems, free release measuring devices, simple changers according to customer's specifications
Development of special software programs and routines for laboratory systems and insitu systems (e.g. gamma total counting, stack monitoring, waste systems and balancing measurements)
Analysis sequences compilation, macro programming to solve special measuring problems for various manufacturer software (like Canberra (Genie, Apex), ITech (Interwinner), Ortec (GammaVision) etc.)
Transfer or export of measurement and analysis results into customer based database systems
Practical integration and implementation of ISO11929 requirements to measurement systems
Creation of analysis parameter files (analysis libraries, calibration files, correction calculation)
We use current programming languages, macro languages or visual basic script
Compatibility to current operating systems of Microsoft
Preparation of project related respectively technical documentation for existing but also new systems
Creation, adaption or revision
Translation of technical documents or documentation into or from English, French and German
As project related respectively technical documentation we understand:
System manuals
Operating manuals (both hard- and software)
Service and maintenance manuals and schedules
Pre-inspection documents (performance and product specification, system description, …)
Commissioning, Factory test, test and startup procedures, instructions and protocols
System drawings, flow charts, block diagrams, circuit and connection diagrams, spare part and part lists
Data and specification sheets, requisition files
Job statements, work instructions, operating procedures
Creation of presentations (.PPT)
Amongst various other customers we have cooperated with these institutions on interesting projects
Austria Seibersdorf Laboratories: Ionizing Radiation and Radioactivity
Ultra Low-Level HPGe-Spectrometer: CTBTO and CELLAR Radionuclide Laboratory -
Germany Radiochemistry Institute Munich "RCM": anti-compton HPGe-spectrometer, beta and low-level alpha-spectrometer, several R&D projects
Kuwait KISR Kuwait: Ultra low-level HPGe-spectrometer
SA KACST Riyadh: Ultra low-level HPGe-spectrometer, low-energy HPGe-spectrometer
Kuwait RPD Kuwait: Ultra low-level HPGe-spectrometer
Indonesia Jakarta: Center for Technology of Radiation Safety and Metrology: Ultra low-level HPGe-spectrometer
Poland Politechnika Lodzdka: Miedzyresortowy Instytut Techniki Raiacyjnej: Anti-Compton HPGe-Spectrometer